Computer Science 397T Syllabus
for Fall 2013
Dr. Carol E. Wolf Office
Website: E-mail:
Office Hours: Mondays and Wednesdays,
1:30-3:30. Phone: 212-346-0799
Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas and David Heinemeier Hansson, Agile Web
Development with Rails, Fourth edition, The Pragmatic Programmers, 2011
The text is available in PDF and other formats from the
Pragmatic Programmers’ website,
Week |
Topic |
1 |
Lecture: Three tier applications, Ruby and Rails
histories Lab: Install Ruby on Rails on laptops and set up
an application using scaffold |
2 |
Lecture: Ruby language, Lab: Cascading Style Sheets, Seeds |
3 |
Lecture: Model-View-Controller paradigm in a Rails
project, Views Lab: Validation and Testing |
4 |
Lecture: Controller and ERB, more
on Ruby Lab: Controller, Views, Forms
and Routes |
5 |
Lecture: Databases, models and migrations Lab: Add an image column and
modify views |
6 |
Lecture: More HTML forms Lab: Add radio buttons, checkboxes and choice
boxes to forms |
7 |
Lecture: Controller and routes Lab: The home page controller: list and find |
8 |
Lecture: A page and login for
the manager Lab: The manager’s controller:
create, update and delete |
9 |
Lecture: Database design and
related tables Lab: A library with books and
borrowers |
10 |
Lecture: Sessions and security Lab: A shopping cart for the store |
11 |
Lecture: Sending Email from a Rails Application,
XML, JSON and Ajax Lab: Checking out and sending email |
12 |
Lecture: Introduction to SQL, Apache and Java
Server Beans |
13 |
Presentations |
Learning objectives:
Students will understand the
model-view-controller paradigm and be able to use it to create web applications.
Students will learn enough of the
Ruby language to enable them to program the project’s controller.
Students will use HTML, Cascading
Style Sheets and JavaScript to enhance their web pages.
Students will understand basic
database concepts.